Monday, February 23, 2009

Mountians and Plateaus

My guide said we were going to check out some mountains and plateaus today I was glad then she said we would be hiking up the mountains!!(I don't like hiking! I've never been hiking but the mountains are well kinda big!(I don't really like heights) soo I really don't wanna hike also I think I would fall.A LOT!!!!)My guide tolled me it would be fun!!!(right?!?!?!)anyway were going to the Zagros mountains the highest peak there is Zard Kuh its 4,548 miles before you get to the top!(I hope me and my guide wont be climbing that!)

Then we went to Iran to see the Elburz mountains my guide was telling me about Mt. Damavand the middle east highest point! its about 18,602ft she was also telling me about how Mt. Damavand is a dormant volcano that heats some hot springs close by.(I need to go there after climbing the zagros mountains!)after we checked out the Elburz mountains and Mt. Damavand witch by the way Mt.Damavand is cold that's why its a good skiing and snowboard mountain.

we went to see a plateau (at least we wont have to hike!)we went to the Iranian Plateau and the Anatolian Plateau I seen a few crops and plants there.Well bye and I hope you liked my blog!!

The Climate

Hi! welcome back to my blog on the middle east my guide was just saying were ganna learn about the climate today! and just hang outside! here in the middle east you have to pack everything because in the morning its really hot(between 95 and 102 degrees or higher)!! theirs no clouds to block the sun so you will get sun burned skin easily!(get sunscreen or something!)theirs no clouds cuz theirs not much water around (especially in the rub-al-khali!)its really dry to so dont worry about steping in mud!In winter its mild and really rainy!! its hotter here than any where ive been but I havent really went anywhere but its a lot colder where I live compared to the middle east!In the dark though thats when it gets really cold when I was in the rub-al-khali it got 40 degress at night thats why your ganna need a jacket!it can also get windy witch may seem nice but its not because their can be sand storms!

so its pretty much windy,hot,and dry then it gets really cold (even though it seems like it would be all warm its not so bring heavy clothes!!!!) Climate change is becoming a bad problem in the middle east because people are not being able to grow as much and it makes it harder to grow some things so they could get a food shortage with would be bad since the climate has all rety made a water shortage!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hi again after being sea sick my guide and I decided to not go on water again for awhile.We were walking for a long time until we came to a petroleum plant something really weird that my guide said was that petroleum can be sour and sweet!(did they taste it or something???)it is also heavy and light Light petroleum has low density and so dose heavy petroleum Sour petroleum has a lot of sulfur and sweet has just a little.really how would they know if it was sour or sweet unless they tasted it??? Petroleum is a rock oil that is used as a fuel(a fuel you can taste!)I'm just kidding anyway its a non-renewable recourse!!!!! its sad that its non-renewable because it alsooo fuels our homes so you cant live with out it but i guess you could find a way but I would have no idea but we need petroleum so save it don't waste it!!!!!!!!! so try to drive your car less beside that will help the enviorment so do it!!!!unless you want to kill the enviorment.
SO try to save petroleum because it will be a long.............................................................................
1 hr. later...

time before we get any more! and as I said we neeeeeed it!!!!!!!!!!!!
In all of the middle east Saudi Arabia has the more oil reserves and wayy!!!!!! more than the United states. Saudi Arab has 262.3 oil reserves.ohhhhhhhhhh ya and petroleum is flammable
cuz i know everyone loves FIRE well see you next time and keep checking this blog for more info on the middle east well bye!

The Persian Gulf

Hi!Im going to the persian gulf today!My guide said the depth was average depth of 50 meters and a maxium depth of 90 meters. Its length is 1,000 km and its maximum width is 370 km the total area is 240,000km she was telling me about the good fishing areas that have been affected by petroleum spills(poor fishes!!)my guide also said that the persian gulf holds one of the middle easts largest oil fields.I was looking on the map and the gulf borders 8 countries! witch are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, The United Arab Emirates, and Oman.I was aslo tolled that the persian gulf has salt and fresh water!(witch is kinda cool!)some wildlife in the gulf are fresh and salt water crabs, small fish and insects and birds who eat them.Me and my guide went to the ships resturant and got some crab my guide got a real gross looking fish I dont remember what it was called I tolled her not to eat it she did though and got food posioning(I tolled her so...)so we went back out on the boats deck(witch was not a good idea)we started to get sea sick they need to keep the kitchen cleaner!(we blamed the food on why we got sea sick)We felt fine befor we ate there food so... well hope we feel better before we go on are next trip ill see you later and keep checking in for more blogs! bye!

The Euphrates and Tigris River

Hi! Welcome back to my blog over the middle east.Today I am taking a boat ride through the Euphrates and Tigris river. I'm glad because the rub-al-khali is so hot and dry but now I get to go to travel through a river.
(hope I don't fall in!) When I came here around noon I wondered were my guide was with the boat then she came in a smallish boat she said that shallow draft boats are the only ones that can travel through the rivers since there so shallow.My guide pointed out some farmers working with there land and she said that the land on the rivers is very fertile because the rivers flood.My guide was also saying the land between the Euphrates and Tigris is called the ``cradle of civilization`` it supported many civilization's like Mesopotamia witch is one of the oldest civilization (that people know of...)and Babylon witch is a famous biblical city.I also remembered that the Euphrates and Tigris start in turkey and form together in Iraq and it flows into the Persian gulf.The Euphrates is 1,728 miles long and the Tigris is 1,150 miles the rivers end in shatt-al-arab well see you on are next trip were ganna chatch a boat to the persian gulf and by the way I did fall in the water was ok but I would have prefured staying in the boat and my guide laughed when I fell ill have to think of a way to get her back because I fell in because of her she said there was an eel!(so I looked) ya right there wasent one!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rub-al-khali video

Slide 1-The rub-al-khali
Slide 2-A map of the rub-al-khali
Slide 3-The rub-al-khali at dawn
Slide 4-A nomad living in the rub-al-khali

The Rub-al-khali

I am traviling to the rub-al-khali right now did you know its called the ``empty quarter`` because theres nothing there the only people that live there are the nomads witch heard animals camles,sheep, and cattle i couldnt live there it sapposed to be around 128 degress. theres soo many trees am just kiding well theres sand,sand and well more sand i guess what do you think when you go to the largest all sand desert wow its hot!!! i should have brought more water mabey ill be lucky an it will rain! i dought that because it only rains 10 inches a year a year!!!! i guess i could go back and get more water...
ohh theres my guide
<--------- and look she has more water!ohh i forgot something in the car you need to pack for all weather in the rub-al-khali because at night its gets super cold!!(like 40 or lower) well thats what i heard and of course in the morning its really hot!! oviously you dont need to pack for snow or rain but make sure to bundle up with blakets and bring lots of water
well its getting sorta dark i better get my tent up now where are the directions go oooh no!!!!!!! I lost them mabey my guide knows how to put up a tent cuz well I have only put up a tent once and it fell over usally someone else puts the tent up mabey i should have learned how to put it up befor i came...yes! my guide put it up for me well i ganna start a fire see you next time byeeeeee!!!!!!!!!